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Pay & Benefits

Pay and benefits problems, if not addressed quickly and thoroughly, can result in financial hardship or an interruption in much-needed benefits for seriously wounded, ill, and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen.

While wounded warriors are recovering, they are entitled to receive some of the pay and allowances they were getting at the time they were injured or became ill, and they may be eligible for additional Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense benefits, depending on the severity and type of their injury or illness. These benefits can include Family Separation Allowance, Transportation Allowance, and much more.

Navy Wounded Warrior works with the Bureau of Naval Personnel/Navy Personnel Command (BUPERS/NPC), an enrollee’s command, personnel support detachments, military treatment facilities, and other key players and institutions to address and monitor all pay and personnel issues as soon as they arise.

A dedicated BUPERS/NPC liaison at Navy Wounded Warrior helps ease the administrative burdens enrollees face and cuts through the bureaucracy associated with their pay and benefits, allowing the wounded warrior to focus on getting well. The liaison helps address issues such as bedside travel, pay and allowance continuation, and benefits payments and also manages the Navy’s Pay and Allowance Continuation and Special Compensation for Assistance with Activities of Daily Living programs.

Pay and Allowance Continuation Program

Administered by Navy Wounded Warrior, this benefit ensures wounded warriors' pay continues for up to one year while in a qualifying treatment status after they are hospitalized after incurring a wound, illness, or injury while on duty in a hostile fire area, or while exposed to other hostile actions. This benefit may be extended for six-month periods under extraordinary circumstances.