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Transition Assistance

Transitioning out of active service is rarely easy, and Navy Wounded Warrior enrollees and their families often face additional challenges because of their illnesses or injuries. Navy Wounded Warrior's support does not conclude at the door of a medical treatment facility. The program offers enrollees a host of services to help ease their reintegration into civilian life and ensure they have the tools to lead rich and fulfilling lives.

The Navy Wounded Warrior Transition and Veterans Support team continues the care for wounded warriors, upon retirement, which was provided by their non-medical care management teams during recovery and rehabilitation. The support team connects them to benefits, mentorship opportunities, and employment and education.

During a wounded warrior's transition, the support team maintains regular contact (through the Navy Wounded Warrior call center) with the veteran to address any non-medical needs that arise and to provide information about available benefits and assistance in applying for them. The support team connects with veterans once a month for one year after separation, and twice a year thereafter.